These text alerts are designed to help us catch fraud quickly and easily. We highly recommend that our users enroll in the new easy to use service!
- You will receive a text message, asking if you would like to confirm your enrollment in SRCU Card Fraud Alerts.
- If you choose to receive the text message alerts, reply “YES” to the text message confirming your enrollment.
- If you do not wish to receive the text message alerts, reply to the opt-out function or do not respond.
- In the instance that suspicious activity is taking place on your card, we will alert you through a text alert. The alert will ask you if the activity was, in fact, you or if your card has been compromised.
- If the suspicious activity is fraud, you will be prompted to call the number given. When you call the number they may ask for the last six digits of your account number. Please note that this is the only personal information you should be asked to give.

- If it is your transaction, you can easily confirm using a text reply and your card will continue to operate as normal.
For questions or to sign-up for Fraud Text Alerts call us at, 207-375-6538!